Summer into Fall - Heart of Mary, Father’s Day, Holy Martyrs, Independence Day, Transfiguration, Assumption of Mary, Labor Day, Madonna, Star of David, Holy Cross, Catechetical Spirit, Respect Life, Lady of the Rosary, World Mission, World Youth Day.
On the downhill, gliding free. Save the moment, tranquility.
Take me back there, where I want to be. Peaceful motion, natural harmony.
Find the sweet spot, take a knee. Joyful voices, cheering victory.
Windows open, gentle breeze. Cooling minds, warming me.
A place exists somewhere, always happy. Take time, look inside, allow our hearts to see.
Wind is pushing, circling gravity. Comprehension, room for three.
Take me back here, I want to be. Endless sailing, over ye calm sea.
The moon shines, cold and gray. So close to us, yet so far away.
It’s hard to imagine a different place, with a different moon,
another planet out there in space.
Would trees and grass be green, would oceans exist cresting blue waves,
making tide? Would four legged animals and birds be seen?
Or would anything resembling our earth reside?
A special place, our planet so small and alone. Can we appreciate our uniqueness?
Can we be thankful for our home?
Not given a choice to leave or to stay, the moon shines bright again, another day.
Intimate feelings, gentle touch. Deeper, softer, loving so much.
Holding, wanting, standing by my side. Knowing contentment, family pride.
Shelter, protection, caring day and night. Letting go, maintain contact,
keeping line of sight.
Love finds new meaning, growing, searching, knowing wrong from right.
Bond is greater, wisdom seeks age. Reaching out to touch him, on the final page.
All is simple, love joining spirits, two to make one.
Tired muscles, internal gladness, knowing purpose, following Son.
The poles were only five feet high. They strapped them up and tied their hands.
Blood dripped on snow; shots rang through the night. They were just children,
not members of evil bands.
A young boy hung by the neck from a pole. His body still, the rope creaked as the wind blew. What did he do to lose his soul? Was it his beliefs, his family, how he looked,
who he knew?
The dark black smoke rolled high as the village burned. Many were left dying, many more fled. The Army: For God? For Country, evil overturned? The happy children that were playing are now gone or dead.
Another place in history, you need not look far. One group is justified in killing another.
Hurry to the front, glory to the martyr. Their God is right; the enemy is not my brother.
The devil is laughing, looking at our race. He has put evil thoughts and beliefs in our mind.
God is looking down at earth in disgrace. As we kill and destroy all the beauty we find.
Can we see the truth? Will we be saved in time? There is only one God; he loves us all the same. The God that is your God is the same God as mine. Can we worship Him differently, as long as we worship His name?
Religion is a form of expression. We can dissect and categorize. The devil uses lies and aggression. He uses religion as a disguise.
In the name of God we fight. It is our God you must choose. To make the entire world right.
We must kill to win, you must lose?
Parents wonder where their children have gone. No more happiness or singing, all is dreary and gray. I can’t speak, if I do, they will find me, my life won’t be long. Is it in our best interest that our earth is this way?
If I speak my opinion and say what my heart feels I should say, does it prove your strength to imprison me and persecute me to prove I am wrong? Because I may question and protest the current state, allowing and respecting freedom of thought and speech is what is truly strong.
Take up arms, to the crusade; I can hear the battle cry. So many battles, too many wars,
I don’t know where to begin. We keep fighting and we keep killing, do we really know why?
What are we defending, who are we fighting, what are we trying to win?
If God loves ALL of His children, then what do we gain? In His name we persecute, kill each other and justify violence. We allow the devil to rule, to cause suffering and pain. Unity comes from opinion, veneration, expression, and divergence.
In God’s world perfection is NOT making everything the same. Perfection is imperfection, are there two grains of sand identical? To force unity through cloning a culture of people is vain. Killing innocent children is sick, evil, insane, twisted and abnormal!
They have feelings, they want to be heard, they went to the street. They want answers, no more repression, they want happiness too.
Bullets fired, your voice? Another fell dead at my feet. Extinguish thoughts, wipe out dreams, simple dialogue won’t do?
You could not force them to believe your lie. You failed to keep them from seeking their dream. Beatings, stoning, lashes, lions, confinement, what else did you try? They will sail in the long run, truth is their reverie, heaven is their stream.
Children filled with hope, life and light. They are learning, they are growing, they simply want to know why. But you dragged them blindfolded through the dark night.
The poles were only five feet high.
How do you keep the flame burning bright, when all around you darkness lurks,
taking every opportunity to steal the light?
When things seem so real, and the desire to have is so great. Stepping outside of our inhibition, reality becomes our mental state.
Walking down that path so dear, carrying with us our pain and our fear. Pushing the earthly screen aside. We are candles of faith burning forever, day and night.
Go where I, whippoorwill. A lake nearby, calm and still. Mountaintop, snow covered peak.
Never want to stop, unable to speak.
I want to know, today. Where to go, what to say. I find I . . . out of wrong comes right.
Learning to fly, I can sleep through the night.
The shadow of nightfall, to a bright full moon, a lake rests in silence, to bed goes nature’s thrall, but the sound of the loon.
Bring me to this other place, I know not where I am going nor how soon. But promise me to show your face. May every day be June.
Cloud vapors white and gray, fill the meadows, hang among the trees. A large yellow moon fills the sky, moving as I move toward it, gracing the hillside, mimicking what it sees.
The moon so close I can touch it, is it real, this ball in space, can it be?
Traveling around us, keeping watch, as we spin together in eternity.
Why only one moon, other planets have two or three? Dinosaurs, meteors, splendid mountains, vast deep blue seas. From birth to death, life spews forth reality.
A feeling life is hopeless, a fraction away from tragedy. Happiness does come, it finds its way. Truth comes from deep inside of me.
The smaller the particle, the closer it is to eternity.
The microscope is a beginning, but doesn’t have enough magnification.
To see that as we get closer to the center, Time stops and there is no motion.
Planets rotate the sun in their place, moons rotate their planet.
Galaxies move throughout open space, all large bodies are in orbital movement.
We look at the sky to find, the meaning of space and time. If we only knew to look inside,
we would find stillness in the center of our mind.
On earth we are constantly moving, whether our bodies are alive or dead.
Even micro-organisms serve a purpose making everything fit together they said.
Distance is time; time is space. Further points are simply longer. The measurement of going from place to place, is it miles, is it age, does it matter?
Instead of the window; standing, searching for truth, looking out, wondering; our eyes penetrating through the view. Morning light caught behind the glass, it is new birth; it is youth. Could reality be looking inward, actually looking back at me and at you?
Our faith is a struggle in this area, science and technology are weak. The documents and computers cannot process or compare. Measurement at this level is what we all seek.
The spirit inside us is anchored, it cannot be seen, it is deep. It is silent, it is motionless, it defies gravity, yet it can guide and relieve. It is always present, a gift from God, and a gift that we can keep, because eternity is not moving, it is not leaving, it is inside us; all we need to do is believe.
If a grain of sand is all I am to be, if my life is nothing more than a single grain from a forgotten sea, to lie still upon a distant shore. Among the trillions of similar grains around, may I be the best grain of sand I can be, seeking purpose to be found, sharing oneness, articulating plea.
May I be that grain of sand that can feel your presence, make a difference, and get others to follow your lead?
May I be that little grain of sand that can be bigger, if only able to believe? Take a simpler perspective, find comfort in my place, draw on my heart to help others achieve.
Fear not my existence, find strength in my weakness, work hard to succeed.
Lying on the ocean beach, so many it’s too hard to conceive, that a single grain of sand could be, the one you want me to be.
Billions of people in billions of places. Filling the planet from mountain to oasis. We are destroying the earth, you can hear some people say, too many people on this planet today.
Look at the dinosaurs, they couldn’t survive. Millions of years ago did a meteor collide?
How old is the earth? The rocks can record. Only billions of years have the secrets been stored. How many galaxies above, beyond and then? We have found billions through the telescope lens. Can we all have a place in history, is there room? For the billions of years, we know and those we assume.
Is there a heaven out there, does it have enough space? There would be enough galaxies for every soul, spirit and face.
Are we sure that we know that life can exist? Without our planet, the knowledge we insist.
We know so many things that we think we know a lot. To realize our true purpose, we are ignorant or forgot.
Our planet so small, we have inhabited for a short time. We have been chosen, in His image, we are one, we are fine.
Billions of people in billions of places, brought together for one purpose, to receive God’s graces.
Can you find beauty in your way? Does it determine whether you go, or you stay?
Can the love you feel way down deep, really see what company you keep?
Is it important the measure, the strife? We have something defined as “quality of life”!
If we can’t look and feel just right, we have been judged out of place, out of sight.
When I take a breath, take the air inside, an earthly temple, my spirit must reside.
Given all the natural elements on earth, encountered since initial birth.
What we have is a blessing, a gift. Not to be judged, categorized and bereft.
We expect to have what we appear denied. We blame ourselves if not aligned.
The truth couldn’t be more obvious. Beauty can be found in our oddness.
Regeneration and degeneration. Cell reproduction and duplication.
Generation after generation, nourished from our earthly continuation.
We grow, we change, we punish, we blame. We think we improve, but we are still the same.
Traveling, moving, spinning and enclosed. Together forever, yet predisposed.
Expression seeks popular mass. What is desirable is upper class.
So many, so much effort and hope. People trying to be something yet won’t.
It is in our failing that we succeed each day. Can you find beauty in your way?
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